During the five days I have been doing my work experience, I have learnt how to edit photos, managed my own photo shoot, experienced numerous types of shoots, and had great fun!
On Monday and Tuesday, I learnt how to edit the photos, by removing the background colour - making it white - and to edit the colours, for example black and white. I also practiced using the camera and taking charge, with Carissa being the model.
Carissa modeled various positions for me which I could get my model to do during the shoot. Some worked better than others, and I edited my five favorite pictures.
To edit them, I had to use a tool to remove the background color to make it white. By doing this, the picture's color faded, so I then had to use the rubber to go over the whole picture to bring the color back into it.
It took a while to edit the pictures, but the different colored ones were easier, as I didn't have to change the background to white, it did it automatically.

For the shoot, I had to do some research on make-up and hair, and modelling poses. I chose the theme of the shoot to be glamour, so I researched different glamorous make-up styles and hair. For the poses, I searched for different styles - e.g, standing, sitting, head shots, etc.
This mood board is the poses one. It includes head shots, sitting poses, standing poses, and various types of each.
My Shoot
On Wednesday afternoon, I did my shoot. The make-up artist started the make-up on Becci at around 1 o'clock, and it took around an hour and a half to do - although it was worth the wait! I chose smoky and gold eyes, big eyelashes, and bright red lips.
Becci wore a red dress and big glittery heels, then changed to a white top and pink skater skirt with black heels, then a black and white patterned top, wet-look leggings and black heels. The outfits were really nice, and they fitted with my theme, but the only problem is wearing a dress or skirt can limit the poses you can do.
I got over 100 pictures from the shoot, and I had to sort through them, to get the best ones. I got the number down to about 70, and I chose my favorite ones to edit properly.
I really enjoyed taking charge and doing my own photo shoot as it was really good fun and gave me some experience of what it would really be like.
I love being behind the camera, but not so much in front of it. I had a go being a model in front of the camera, while Carissa photographed me.
Overall, this week has been AMAZING! Before this week, I wasn't sure if I wanted to do photography as a job or just as a hobby, but now I know that it's definitely something that I want to study in college to hopefully help me to become a professional photographer.
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